The good old lazy days: Procrastination or self-care?

Evening dreamers!

After a long stressful period, many think there will come sunshine and all the postponed plans will come to life. However, sometimes this couldn’t be more far from the truth!

Stress and anxiety often lead to a survival mode in which we exist till we meet our deadlines! I need to finish this for work, I have an extra task, someone is sick and they asked for my help! Sounds familiar?

What about at the end of this semester, in spring break, after this project I will start painting, sewing, coloring, hiking, photography, reading, writing, etc.?

Unfortunately, with stress and anxiety also comes a constant state of tiredness, a mental and spiritual one, more than a physical one. And when your brain and soul are tired, you usually end up procrastinating on your task!

But is it really procrastination? Or is it a self-preservation act?

If you are anything like me, surely you will feel guilty for having a few days of low to no activity after a stressful period of time!

And if it was stressful because you had to work around other people’s goals (your boss, friends, family, etc) you won’t have anything to put your finger on and say ” At least I achieved this”. I know, I know, it won’t be always something to put the finger on, but let’s cut the theater, we are the generation that needs to do a lot and needs to see results in order to feel good about their work. Let’s not pretend we are something else! You will end up thinking you haven’t achieved anything, and you are just staying!

(Also, this is the road to burnout, a generational problem.)

Let me be the one who assured you today that having a few lazy days, with TV series, naps, and games, is a better way to spend your time, than infuriating in front of a laptop or whatever is that you need to do!

Having these days to disconnect from the outside and connect with your small pleasure, can make a huge difference and have a huge impact on your future productivity but most importantly your creativity!

So, stay in bed, watch that Netflix marathon, and dance your back off, from time to time, taking some lazy days is the best option!

I should know better!


Cristiana Apreutese

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