January review

Happy Monday guys! In the blink of an eye, January passed and, I sit in front of you to share the most important things that took place. Firstly, I am more than happy to find myself here, now. Last year, in less than a month, I failed completely, now, I can say that I achieved … More January review

Time Management Tools

Hello, my dears! I hope you have a great week, or at least greater than mine. I caught the flu on Monday and now I look like Rudolf with his red nose. But, let’s finish with complaints, I’m here to help you with keeping up with your NY’s goals and resolutions. Today’s topic is something … More Time Management Tools

Exams planning – Things that can ruin your plans and how to avoid them // Planificarea examenelor – Lucruri care pot strica planurile și cum să le evitați

🇺🇸🇷🇴 🇺🇸 Hello there! Half of January has passed, and, for many students, finals are here.I am one of those who can (still) enjoy the thrills of finals. Honestly, I started right after New Years’ with projects. Last week I had part of my finals for an optional; also, a (late) mid-term, and today I … More Exams planning – Things that can ruin your plans and how to avoid them // Planificarea examenelor – Lucruri care pot strica planurile și cum să le evitați

Activități pentru toamna 2020 // Fall bucket list 2020

🇷🇴🇺🇸 🇷🇴Cum astăzi este ultima zi calendaristică de vară, încet încep și eu să îmi revin la viață. Nu urăsc vara sau ceva, dar pur și simplu prefer toamna. Mereu am un sentiment de renaștere și bunăstare generală. Poate e pentru că asociez toamna cu noi începuturi, fie că vorbim de clasicele începuturi de an … More Activități pentru toamna 2020 // Fall bucket list 2020