Simple and Delicious Oven-Baked Tenderloin with Veggies

Oh, hello dreamers, and good evening! Today was such a harsh day, that trust me, I want to sleep so bad, but I still have some exercises to do and a strawberry pie! However, before that, I decided to share an easy recipe for anyone who loves that you don’t have to supervise while doing it! Basically, as the title … More Simple and Delicious Oven-Baked Tenderloin with Veggies

Goodbye autumn 2023

As the curtain falls on the enchanting season of autumn, I find myself caught in a swirl of nostalgia, gratitude, and anticipation. This year’s autumn journey has been particularly special, filled with new experiences, picturesque landscapes, and moments of reflection. Join me as I recount the highlights of my autumn escapade and bid a fond … More Goodbye autumn 2023

The Magic of Fall Spices: Unraveling Their Health Benefits

Hello dreamers and good morning! As the golden leaves cascade from trees and the brisk autumn air sets in, our kitchens come alive with the intoxicating aromas of fall spices. These spices not only offer a culinary journey through the season but also host a range of health benefits. Let’s dive into the world of … More The Magic of Fall Spices: Unraveling Their Health Benefits