November 2023 Goals review

Good afternoon dreamers! As Autumn said her final hello, it’s time to review our month! We started bold with some goals and it’s time to see what we achieved! Starting from this: I can say it was a productive month, as I achieved most of my goals! The month is full, and I am more … More November 2023 Goals review

Goodbye autumn 2023

As the curtain falls on the enchanting season of autumn, I find myself caught in a swirl of nostalgia, gratitude, and anticipation. This year’s autumn journey has been particularly special, filled with new experiences, picturesque landscapes, and moments of reflection. Join me as I recount the highlights of my autumn escapade and bid a fond … More Goodbye autumn 2023

Embracing the Autumn’s Farewell: Capturing the Last Glimpses of Fall

As the vibrant hues of autumn begin to fade, and the crisp air turns cooler, there’s a sense of nostalgia that sweeps through the landscape. The last days of fall are upon us, offering a final opportunity to savor the beauty and embrace the unique charm that this season brings. Let’s try to make the … More Embracing the Autumn’s Farewell: Capturing the Last Glimpses of Fall

Birthday Photoshoot

Hello dreamers! Valentine’s Day has passed, winter s slowly packing up and spring is around the corner.My birthday passed too, I started a new chapter of my life and I celebrated it in a different way this year. Tonight, of course, I’m going to share with you the experience. Since 23 was a challenging year, … More Birthday Photoshoot

Photoshoot at home

Good evening, dreamers! I hope you have a great time and a comfy spot, cause today I made something special just for your entertainment. Like me, I know that are many of you out there, having amazing photoshoots ideas but no one to help. Been there, done that, and bought a tripod. Liying, I got … More Photoshoot at home

Wheat photoshoot

Hello there! As I said in one of my previous articles Summer Bucket List, one thing I really wanted to do was a wheat photoshoot. Not only taking pictures of me, but also improving my skills. Another reason why I wanted to do it, is that I think people really underestimate this crop. Every spring … More Wheat photoshoot

A dreamer life

Well, at least  in my opinion this how you do it. We dream different things, no doubt about it. We are all so different and this is the best thing there is! Why? Well, because we have different life goals, different opportunities, different hobbies, loves and passions, dreams. We have things in common too, since … More A dreamer life