Gift guide for him – 2022 Vday

Happy almost weekend guys! One of the big events of the month, and the one that gives a start to all spring frenzy is Valentine’s Day! And for all of you out there, and I mean all of you, I came up with a 3 article series, to help you in the process of finding … More Gift guide for him – 2022 Vday

Thanksgiving week

Hello, world! Another week has come, another Monday is here, and also, the end of November is arriving quickly.I am not going to explain myself again why I love this holiday even if in my country it’s not celebrated. If you want to know why here is it! Now, as today, Thanksgiving week starts and … More Thanksgiving week

2021 Planner// Planner pentru 2021

🇺🇸🇷🇴 🇺🇸It’s Tuesday, so it’s time to talk a bit about time management! In my previous articles (Jannuary goals/ Happy new year 2021?), I mentioned something about a planner for 2021. I said it before, and I’m going to do it some more: I’m not, or at least I wasn’t an organized person. I would … More 2021 Planner// Planner pentru 2021

A dreamer life

Well, at least  in my opinion this how you do it. We dream different things, no doubt about it. We are all so different and this is the best thing there is! Why? Well, because we have different life goals, different opportunities, different hobbies, loves and passions, dreams. We have things in common too, since … More A dreamer life


All around the world is chaos. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. All we can do is to enjoy it! No, I am not crazy! How many times have you complained that you don’t have time? Time for you, for your loved ones, for your family, friends, pets, hobby, passions and so … More Chaos

Why so numb?

Why so numb? Why so careless? About you, about your life and what happens to you in general. Why do you live just to exist instead of existing to live? Why do you breathe just to survive? You have 60 seconds every minute, 60 minutes every hour, 24 hours every day, 7 days every weeks, … More Why so numb?


loyalty/ˈlɔɪəlti/noun the quality of being loyal.”his extreme loyalty to the Crown” a strong feeling of support or allegiance.plural noun: loyalties“rows with in-laws are distressing because they cause divided loyalties” Yeah, well this is how loyalty is defined, but what does it really mean? In my opinion loyalty is a feeling, maybe a way to live, to behave, but … More Loyalty