Summer Bucket List 2024

Hello dreamers and good evening!

As today went by in a second, while I was fighting with heat, it became clearer than ever that my wish had come true! I wished for once to feel the seasons like they are displayed on the calendar! So, it was pretty much spring until yesterday, and suddenly it started to get hotter and hotter! It remains to be seen when fall arrives and if the winter will have any snow!

But this is not the topic for today! If we talked about June plans yesterday, it’s time to talk about summer plans, more exactly about the Summer bucket list for the year!

A full version of 100 ideas you can try, is available on Amazon! You can find different ideas to inspire you, either for family activities, for teens, for self-help or for improvement! I wanted to give something to each! Yet my plans for this summer are here, only for your eyes!


  • Have at least 3 photoshoots! I already started, but I want to do a photo shoot like the old times, just me and my camera alone in order to feel comfier!
  • Enjoy the Perseid shower! Maybe more than the previous years…
  • Visit 3 new places. One is for sure, the other two, well, we will see…
  • Get fit! I don’t even know why I have this on my list, cause it was here before my blog existed, and I am still a little chunky
  • Have a 30-day Yoga challenge. So, I started Yoga before Easter, and it’s harder than it looks! So, it’s a challenge for me!
  • Dance at least 3 times/ week until September 1! If I want to get fit… maybe like the old times…
  • Camp for one night (and try to not get eaten by a bear!)
  • Start creating flower arrangements from cut flowers! I plan on spending my summer at home (dream of a baby girl with 3 weddings in Brasov after 15 July, days off after 15 July and Vcay after 15 August, and back to work on September 1st), and if I am at home, I have plenty flowers to practice on!
  • Revive that YouTube channel and maybe start a podcast (cause you loved TikTok so much).
  • Upload 30 new Amazon books!
  • Get out of the garage of the old car and buy her new pieces!
  • See the seaside!
  • Read 6 books! No, not educational ones, of course, smut cause they are your free days!
  • Create decorations for the Christmas store!
  • Make Icecream!
  • Eat watermelon and dry cherries!
  • Start sketching a house plan in order to be more exact with planting and taking care of the orchard!

And yeah, apparently while you get older, you summer fun activities change! And trust me, I don’t mind!

What about you, what do you have planned for the summer?


Cristiana Apreutese

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