November 2023 Goals review

Good afternoon dreamers!

As Autumn said her final hello, it’s time to review our month! We started bold with some goals and it’s time to see what we achieved!

Starting from this:

  • Christmas shopping. All the gifts and decorations!
  • Christmas supplies. All the natural decor must be gathered now.
  • Get in the spirit: Finish the Harry Potter series and watch Christmas movies.
  • Gratitude challenge: Start it and 30 days of gratitude. (Today I am grateful for 63 consecutive days of writing!)
  • Create Christmas Amazon materials!
  • Take some photos outside.
  • Take some extra walks.
  • Edit the photos I took at the baptism.
  • Chill and slow down.

I can say it was a productive month, as I achieved most of my goals!

  • I did 90%of my Christmas shopping! Including 2 new Christmas trees, and red, black, burgundy, and plum decor. Gifts for St.Nik and Christmas for my nieces, sister, brother-in-law, mom, and boyfriend!
  • On the side of natural supplies I still have to search for acorns, but my schedule is a bit more free next week and it’s starting to warm so maybe I make some time.
  • I posted every day on my gratitude challenge.
  • I took some more photos outside.
  • I did see my dream home as a manifesting exercise while walking.
  • I haven’t edited a single photo from the baptism.
  • I finished the Harry Potter series and I also indulged in Christmas movies by DIVA and Netflix, also finished Gossip Girl and caught up with Gilmore Girls!
  • I reviewed most of my student’s papers and it’s a big thing.
  • I adopted a new cat.
  • I revisited a factory with the faculty!
  • I enjoyed the first snow!
  • Got tested and apparently, I’m just fine, maybe a bit crazy.
  • Created the first trimester of content and strategy for the next year.
  • I created a new caramel apple recipe.

The month is full, and I am more grateful for having the time to breathe and do my tasks at most of it.

How about you, how you spend your month, what have you achieved? 

Today I’m grateful for experiencing the first snow if the year! #gratitudechallenge

Until next time have #adreamerlife!

Cristiana Apreutese

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