Planning people have bad times

So, here I am. August second, 2021, after seven months of pause from writing. Last year I made some promises and goals I haven’t yet met, but that’s the fun part, I didn’t quit!

I am a planning person. Since I can remember, I made lists and programs. I made them full of joy and love. Did I stick with them? I did, for most of the time. I realized, growing up that, I function better this way. I am more focused and, I have everything in front of my eyes and, I can switch things easier.

At the end of January, I had a breakdown. I was tired and put so much pressure that I didn’t felt like I was still me.

One day I just gave up. I gave up Instagram, writing, being social. I just did my master’s and work. I did it knowing that I will come back stronger and inspired. I could have forced it, but I did it before, and look how it turned out.

Now, I still have many things to do, but I feel charged enough to do something more. I’m focused enough to share again my tips&tricks, experiences about planning and not only.

Still, you might ask a question. Isn’t planning supposed to help us avoid overwhelming and breakdowns?

It is! But it won’t work alone. The truth is that we are humans, with emotions with experiences and, we can’t control everything.

We need to combine this method, planning, with other methods and tools, like self-care, the art of saying no, prioritizing, acceptance, delegation and, so much more.

Planning people have much more organized lives, but planning people are still people and, as one of them, I have to admit that we have bad times.

But when we come back, we are recharged and with a new perspective! In the end, the important thing is
not to give up!

That’s it for today, somehow more motivational than anything else.
Have a wonderful week and, no matter how low you feel, never give up!

Have #adreamerlife!

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