Winter cake // Tort de iarna

🇺🇸🇷🇴 Hi there, how are you?I know that many probably set a resolution to keep a diet or lose weight, and I’m supportive. I am that’s why I give you a short piece of advice: the more you say no to food, the more you want it, and also, restrictive plans are more likely to … More Winter cake // Tort de iarna

Exams planning – Things that can ruin your plans and how to avoid them // Planificarea examenelor – Lucruri care pot strica planurile È™i cum să le evitaÈ›i

🇺🇸🇷🇴 🇺🇸 Hello there! Half of January has passed, and, for many students, finals are here.I am one of those who can (still) enjoy the thrills of finals. Honestly, I started right after New Years’ with projects. Last week I had part of my finals for an optional; also, a (late) mid-term, and today I … More Exams planning – Things that can ruin your plans and how to avoid them // Planificarea examenelor – Lucruri care pot strica planurile È™i cum să le evitaÈ›i

Simple Lava Cake // ReÈ›etă simplă de Lava cake

🇺🇸🇷🇴 🇺🇸 Hello there! It’s Friday, so it’s time for a new recipe. For today I thought about sharing with you a simple Lava cake recipe. Last week, I entered a contest hosted by Heidi chocolate, and why not show you my results? What you need: 4 eggs (2 whole eggs+ egg yolks); 100 g … More Simple Lava Cake // ReÈ›etă simplă de Lava cake

2021 Planner// Planner pentru 2021

🇺🇸🇷🇴 🇺🇸It’s Tuesday, so it’s time to talk a bit about time management! In my previous articles (Jannuary goals/ Happy new year 2021?), I mentioned something about a planner for 2021. I said it before, and I’m going to do it some more: I’m not, or at least I wasn’t an organized person. I would … More 2021 Planner// Planner pentru 2021